Donjon beer is the inspiration, the emotion, the soul of a group of friends who couldn’t bear to leave the place where they grew up, but rather, were determinate to create an enterprise, through which the world might recognize and appreciate the quality and traditions indigenous to their area.
Three simple adjectives that stand for a philosophy of life that allows us to produce a lively beer with a unique flavor and whose character is the real expression of such thinking and passion.
Donjon brewery rises out from Castello, a neighborhood of Cervinara AV Italy, from the intuition of a group of passionate homebrewers, who decided to take up the exploration and study the beer.
The brewery ‘s crest was taken from the stone entrance of an old dwelling of one of the most ancient families of the neighborhood, the Marros; it is composed of a shield featuring a dove in a chalice encircled by a serpent.
In heraldry the dove, Venus’ beloved bird –also notable in gospels references- symbolizes pure and chaste love, marital peace, a good unpretentious spirit, and tenderness. The dove has often been used as an emblem to express gratitude for being saved from a fray.
The snake symbolizes shrewdness, supremacy, eternity (because when biting its tail it forms a circle with no beginning or end), and caution.
Despite being one of the oldest beverages of the world, handcrafted beer still maintains its appeal and represents the cornerstone of a philosophy geared toward a quest for quality and the rediscovery of traditions. Thanks to that same philosophy and tradition, Donjon Beer succeeds in archiving a product that reflects quality and sense of belonging through its taste and characteristics. Thus, combining the most innovative, modern brewing methods with meticulously devised recipes using traditional ingredients -simple by nature and above all, bound to the local soil – we manage to obtain a genuine product with a unique flavor. The company’s Mission is to promote local products more and more and to search for the best solutions and techniques, in order to make “Donjon Beer” a synonymous with territorial quality and excellence.

Discover our taste, try our beers!


Production process